An-Nasihah Curriculum
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An-Nasihah Curriculum providing enrichment for our future generation in a fun and engaging way. Specialising in the Islamic Curriculum used in Islamic Studies lessons across the world. Founded in 2012.
An-Nasihah Curriculum
1. Used by Maktabs & Islamic Schools Worldwide
2. Complete Syllabus of 8 textbooks and workbooks
3. Easy, Enjoyable & Colorful

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Course Book Information
Coursebook C1 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 6 – 7yrs |
Fiqh | Basic Introduction to Five Pillars of Islam | Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm, Hajj |
Introduction to Taharah | Method of Wudu’ | |
Ahadith | 5 Ahadith | Feeding the Hungry, Helping Others, Doing Things Slowly, Cleanliness, Truth |
Sirah | Life of Our Beloved Messenger Muhammad | Childhood, Youth, Marriage to Khadijah, The Children |
Tarikh | Prophets | Adam, Nuh |
‘Aqa’id | Articles of Faith | Qualities of Allah, Allah the Provider, Allah The Merciful |
Akhlaq | Moral Conduct | Respect, Cleanliness, Politeness in Speech, Smiling, Starting from the Right Hand Side |
Adab | Etiquette | Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Waking up, Using the Washroom |
Coursebook C2 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 7 – 8yrs |
Fiqh | Methods of Staying Clean | Istinja’, Wudu’ and Ghusl. |
Wudu’ in Detail | Faraid, Sunan, Mustahabbat, Makruhat and Nawaqid. | |
Brief Introduction to Tayammum | ||
Method of Salah for Boys and Girls | ||
Ahadith | 5 Ahadith | Truth, Salam, Using the Right Hand, Drinking Whilst Sitting, Kindness to Neighbors |
Sirah | Life of Our Beloved Messenger Muhammad | In the Cave of Hira, The First Revelation, The First Believers, Open Call to Islam, Persecutions Faced by Muslims |
Tarikh | Prophets | Hud, Salih |
‘Aqa’id | Beliefs | Allah the Protector, The All Hearing, The All Seeing, The One, Angels, Revealed Books, The Quran |
Akhlaq | Moral Conduct | Keeping Promises, Being Thankful, Spreading Salam, Helping in Good Things, Kindness to Animals |
Adab | Etiquette | Greeting, Entering a House, Speaking, Sneezing, Yawning |
Coursebook C3 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 8 – 9yrs |
Fiqh | Keywords, Types of Najasah | Ghusl: Fara’id, Sunan and Method, Rak’at of Salah, Conditions of Salah, Nawaqid of Salah, Method of Salah, Salatul Witr, Salatul Qasr, Salatul Musafir, Salatul Marid |
Ahadith | 10 Ahadith | Salah, Love for Others, Steadfastness, Life, This World, Du’a, Guests, Mercy, Modesty, Shukr |
Sirah | Life of Our Beloved Messenger Muhammad | Migration to Abyssinia, Two Great Warriors Accept Islam, A Different way, The Boycott, The Year of Sadness, The Journey to Ta’if, Inviting the Arab Tribes, Al-Isra’ and al-Mi’raj |
Tarikh | Prophets | Ibrahim, Isma’il, Ishaq |
‘Aqa’id | Beliefs | Messengers, Qiyamah Minor Signs, List of the Major Signs |
Akhlaq | Character Building | Thinking Good of Others, Sharing, Kindness to Parents, Speaking the Truth, Saying a Good Word |
Adab | Etiquette | Travelling, Studying Qur’an, Walking, Masjid |
Coursebook C4 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 9 – 10yrs |
Fiqh | Masan ‘Alal Khuffayn, Masan on Wounds, Wajibat of salah, Sajdah as-Sahw, Sawm Tarawih | — |
Ahadith | 10 Ahadith | Feeding Others, No to Racism, Good Character, Thanking Others, Friends, Kindness, Trust, Keys to Paradise, Dhikr, Du’a |
Sirah | Life of Our Beloved Messenger Muhammad | The Pledge at ‘Aqabah, Hijrah Journey, Arrival in Madinah Munawwarah, Treaties with the Jews, The Hypocrites, Battles of Badr, Uhud & Anzab |
Tarikh | Prophets | Ya’qub, Yusuf |
‘Aqa’id | End of Times | Major signs in Detail: Mahdi, Dajjal, ‘Isa, Ya’juj Ma’uj, The Beast, The Sun Rising from the West, The Smoke, Landslides, Blowing of the Trumpet, The Day of Qiyamah, Mizan, and the Bridge |
Akhlaq | Character Building | Trust, Seeking Permission Before Entering, Removing Harm from the Road, Being a Good Neighbor |
Adab | Etiquette | Adab of Du’a, Dressing, Guests & Hosts, Sitting in a Gathering, Istinja |
Coursebook C5 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 10 – 11yrs |
Fiqh | Miscellaneous Points of Wudu’, Tayammum in Detail, Sunan of Salah, Forbidden and Disliked Times of Salah, Salah of a Masbuq, Qada Salah, Id Salah, Hajj and ‘Umrah, Ziyarah | |
Ahadith | 10 Ahadith | Promises, Tongue Ghibah, Intoxicants, Beauty of a Person’s Islam, Carrying Tales, 99 Names of Allah, Importance of the Last 3 Surahs (Mu’awwidhat), Speaking Good, Good Character |
Sirah | Life of Our Beloved Messenger Muhammad | Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Bay’ah ar-Ridwan, The Message of Islam Spreads, ‘Umratul Qada, Conquest of Makkah, The Battle of Hunain, The March to Tabuk, The Farewell Pilgrimage, The Messenger Leaves the World |
Tarikh | Prophets | Musa, ‘Isa |
‘Aqa’id | Beliefs | Death, Journey after death, Jannah, Description, Seeing Allah, Actions that Lead to Jannah, Jahannam: Description, Actions that Lead to Jahannam, A’raf, Introduction to Taqdir, Our Beliefs with Regard to Allah, Our Beliefs with Regard to the Prophets and the Sahabah |
Akhlaq | Moral Values | Asking Advice (Mashwarah), Patience, Ties of Kinship, Exchanging Gifts and Honoring the Guest, Virtues of Dhikr |
Adab | Etiquette | Ghusl, Social Interaction, Writing, Siwak, Visiting the Sick |
Coursebook C6 Boys Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 11 – 12yrs |
Fiqh | Types of Water, Impurities and Cleaning Methods, Maturity in Boys, Wajib Acts of Salah, Masa’il of Being an Imam, Jana’iz, Jumu’ah Salah, Adhan and Iqamah | Detailed study of water types, purification methods, rites of passage, obligatory acts in prayer, funeral rites, Friday prayer, and the call to prayer. |
Ahadith | 15 Ahadith | Major Sins, Pride, Good Character, Health, and Free Time, Truth and Lies, Love for the Messenger, Islam’s Pillars, Qur’an’s Role, Timeliness of Prayer, Respect for Parents, Social Conduct, Charity, Observing Ramadan, Friendship |
Sirah | Significant Figures and Events | Shama’il, Life of Abu Bakr, Stories of Dawud, Sulayman, Yunus, Islamic history overview, The Umayyad era. |
‘Aqa’id | Islamic Beliefs | Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah, Prophethood, Companions’ ranks, The Rightly Guided Caliphs, The Ten Promised Paradise, The Awliya’, Miracles, The Night Journey and Ascension. |
Akhlaq | Character Building | Addressing Oppression, Bullying, Envy, Backbiting, Pride, Emulating the Prophet’s Sunnah. |
Adab | Etiquette and Manners | Moderation in spending, Women’s role in society, Etiquettes of religious gatherings, Personal cleanliness. |
Coursebook C6 Girls Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 11 – 12yrs |
Fiqh | Types of Water, Impurities and Cleaning Methods, Maturity in Girls, Masa’il of Hayd, Nifas and Istihadah, Wajib Acts of Salah, Jana’iz | Detailed study on water types, purification, rites of passage for girls, obligatory acts in prayer, and funeral rites. |
Ahadith | 15 Ahadith | Major Sins, Pride, Good Character, Health and Free Time, Truth and Lies, Love for the Messenger, Islam’s Pillars, Qur’an’s Role, Prayer Timeliness, Respect for Parents, Social Conduct, Charity, Ramadan Observance, Friendship |
Sirah | Significant Figures and Events | Shama’il, Life of Abu Bakr, The Mothers of the Believers, Stories of Dawud, Sulayman, Yunus, Overview of Islamic history, The Umayyad era. |
‘Aqa’id | Islamic Beliefs | Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah, Prophethood, Companions’ rankings, The Rightly Guided Caliphs, The Ten Promised Paradise, The Awliya’, Miracles, The Night Journey and Ascension. |
Akhlaq | Character Building | Addressing Oppression, Bullying, Envy, Backbiting, Pride, Emulating the Prophet’s Sunnah. |
Adab | Etiquette and Manners | Call to prayer, Modesty in dress, Financial moderation, Women’s societal role, Personal cleanliness. |
Coursebook C7 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 12 – 13yrs |
Fiqh | Prayer Details, Zakah, Inheritance, Dietary Laws | Mustahabbat and Makruhat of Salah, Sutrah, Sajdah Tilawah, Qasr Salah, Salatul Marid and Ma’dhur, Salatul Kusuf/Khusuf, I’tikaf, Laylatul Qadr, Halal Foods, Cross Contamination, Halal and Haram Animals, Seafood, Udhiyah. |
Ahadith | 15 Ahadith | People of Jannah and Jahannam, Ghibah, Siwak, Not Faulting Food, Modesty, Forgiveness, Lies, Appreciating Blessings, Laylatul Qadr, Durud, Signs of a Mu’min, Stopping Evil, Salah with Jama’ah, Du’a, Dhikr. |
Sirah | Notable Figures and Events | Shama’il ‘Umar, His Life and Work, Zakariya, Yahya, The Abbasid era. |
‘Aqa’id | Belief and the Unseen | Qada’ and Qadr, Evil Eye, The World as a Place of Means, Life after Death, Barzakh, Resurrection. |
Akhlaq | Character Building | Spreading Rumors, Value of Time, Virtues of Knowledge, Benefits of Durud and Salawat. |
Adab | Etiquette and Manners | 5 Branches of Faith, Social Manners, Taking Oaths, Answering Questions, Mobile Phone and Internet Etiquette, Walking with Elders, Serving, Informing Dependents of Whereabouts, Interaction with Non-Muslims, Offering Condolences. |
Coursebook C8 Overview
Subject | Topics | Details |
Coursebook | Guide Age Range | 13 – 14yrs |
Fiqh | Prayer, Marriage, Financial Transactions, Legal Methodology | Nafl Salah, Khushu’, Salah with Jama’ah, Nikah process, Mahr, Walimah, Talaq, ‘Iddah, Buyu’ (Transactions), Taqlid (Following a Madhab), Ijarah (Leasing), Riba (Usury), Gambling. |
Ahadith | 15 Ahadith | Not having hatred, Spending for Allah, Disliked actions, Salam, Rights of a Muslim, Status of a Mu’min, Reward of patience, Forgiving, True wealth, Ease of Islam, Sweetness of Iman, Salah, Closeness to Allah, Power of Allah, Self-sufficiency. |
Sirah | Notable Figures | Shama’il ‘Uthman, ‘Ali, Their lives and works, Ayyub, History of Andalusia, The Crusades, The Ottomans. |
‘Aqa’id | Beliefs | Attributes of Allah, Istiwa’, Iman, Consulting the ‘Ulama’. |
Akhlaq | Moral Conduct | Shortness of life, Taqwa, Tawakkul, Tawbah, Modesty in gaze. |
Adab | Etiquette and Transactions | Mu’amalat (social interactions), Debate and discussions, Nikah, Seller and Buyer etiquette, General shopping manners. |
Islamic Learning with Maktabah Ar-Rahmah
Embark on a captivating journey through Islamic education with Maktabah Ar-Rahmah, your official distributor for An-Nasihah Publications’ Islamic Curriculum. This meticulously crafted curriculum is your key to a world where learning about Islam is not just educational but truly engaging and enjoyable. Designed specifically for the young Muslims of today, it spans across 8 series of books, blending essential content with colorful illustrations and inspiring stories, all derived from authentic sources verified by senior scholars. Explore now and discover the treasure trove of Islamic knowledge waiting to enrich your child’s life.
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Comprehensive Learning in One Book: Dive into the depths of Fiqh, Aḥādīth, Sīrah, Tārīkh, ʿAqāʾid, Akhlāq, and Ādāb, all tailored to the age and needs of young learners in a single, consolidated coursebook.. Fun and Interactive Workbooks: Enhance understanding with corresponding workbooks filled with differentiated activities, employing Bloom’s taxonomy to involve students actively in their learning journey. Authentic and Referenced: Trust a curriculum developed solely from authentic sources, ensuring your child receives an accurate and reliable Islamic education. Affordable Quality: Gain invaluable knowledge without breaking the bank. An-Nasihah Publications offers great value for money, making comprehensive Islamic education accessible to all.