
The seventh part of the An-Nasihah Islamic Curriculum series.
Key topics of this part include:
– Rulings of Ṣalāh, Zakāh, Ḥalāl Food
– Aḥādīth on Modesty, Appreciation, Signs of a Believer, etc.
– Shamāʾil, Life of ʿUmar
– Stories of Zakariyyā ʿalayhis-salām and Yaḥyā ʿalayhis-salām, the ʿAbbasids
– Beliefs Regarding Qaḍāʾ and Qadr, Life After Death
– Value of Time, Virtues of Knowledge
– Branches of Faith, Interactions with Non-Muslims

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This is the seventh book in the series Islamic Curriculum. It discusses crucial issues such as zakah (charity), which foods are halal (permissible), anecdotes from the Prophet’s sayings on having excellent character, and the biography of ‘Umar (ra), one of the early Islamic leaders. You’ll also read stories about Zakariyya and Yahya, learn about the concept of the Resurrection, discover why knowledge is vital, and learn how to use the Internet and mobile phones politely in this book.
Subject Topics Details
Coursebook Guide Age Range 12 – 13yrs
Fiqh Prayer Details, Zakah, Inheritance, Dietary Laws Mustahabbat and Makruhat of Salah, Sutrah, Sajdah Tilawah, Qasr Salah, Salatul Marid and Ma’dhur, Salatul Kusuf/Khusuf, I’tikaf, Laylatul Qadr, Halal Foods, Cross Contamination, Halal and Haram Animals, Seafood, Udhiyah.
Ahadith 15 Ahadith People of Jannah and Jahannam, Ghibah, Siwak, Not Faulting Food, Modesty, Forgiveness, Lies, Appreciating Blessings, Laylatul Qadr, Durud, Signs of a Mu’min, Stopping Evil, Salah with Jama’ah, Du’a, Dhikr.
Sirah Notable Figures and Events Shama’il ‘Umar, His Life and Work, Zakariya, Yahya, The Abbasid era.
‘Aqa’id Belief and the Unseen Qada’ and Qadr, Evil Eye, The World as a Place of Means, Life after Death, Barzakh, Resurrection.
Akhlaq Character Building Spreading Rumors, Value of Time, Virtues of Knowledge, Benefits of Durud and Salawat.
Adab Etiquette and Manners 5 Branches of Faith, Social Manners, Taking Oaths, Answering Questions, Mobile Phone and Internet Etiquette, Walking with Elders, Serving, Informing Dependents of Whereabouts, Interaction with Non-Muslims, Offering Condolences.

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