
The fourth workbook of the Safar Islamic curriculum.
Key topics discussed in this book include:
– Paradise, Hell, Miracles, Duties of the Prophets
– Impurities, Wuḍū, Ghusl, Ṣalāh
– Stories of Ibrāhim ʿalayhis-salām and Dhul Qarnayn
– Companions of Prophet Muḥammad ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam
– Virtues of Actions, Brotherhood

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The Safar Academy Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children`s essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good manners, and instill God-consciousness. With extensive references from Quran and ahadith, the new edition of the textbook has been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as comprehensive and reliable.

Aqidah Fiqh History & Sirah Personal Development
Names of Allah ❤ Najasah Prophet Ibrahim ❤ Virtues of actions
Angels and their duties Model wudu’❤ Story of Dhul Qarnayn Importance of Salah
Gardens of Paradise and fire of Hell Model ghusl ❤ Story of Dhul Qarnayn Good character and brotherhood❤
Signs of the Last Day I Model tayammum Battle of the Trench
Day of Judgement Model Salah ❤ Hudaybiyyah
Miracles Islamic calendar
Characteristics and duties of the prophets Fasting and Ramadan ❤
Sins and shirk❤❤
Love for the Prophet❤

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