
The timeline is designed to be an engaging visual aid for students and educators, serving as an invaluable tool in classrooms.

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A beautifully designed poster that presents a clear and concise chronology of key events from the life of our Beloved Messenger Muhammad (sallallahu ʿalayhi wa-sallam). This resource, based on the new An-Nasihah Further Studies/Living Islam book, details important moments before and after prophethood, offering an educational overview of the Prophet (sallallahu ʿalayhi wa-sallam)’s life, from birth until his passing in 11 AH.
Structured for ease of understanding, the timeline covers significant events over three key periods:
– Early Life and Before Prophethood
– After Prophethood
– Years in Madinah

The timeline is designed to be an engaging visual aid for students and educators, serving as an invaluable tool in classrooms.

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