Safar Curriculum

Safar Curriculum is a comprehensive curriculum developed and perfected over 20 years. The curriculum is designed specifically to equip young learners with the essential knowledge and tools needed to develop a deep-rooted love and relationship with Islam.

Safar Islamic Curriculum

1. Tried and tested syllabus
2. Ideal for Maktab, Islamic schools, Sunday schools and home schools.
3. Age appropriate language and content
Safar Islamic Curriculum

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Proudly Distributed by Arrahmah Books.

Course Book Information

Course Book Information


  • Who am I?
  • Paradise and Hell
  • Shahadah❤
  • The six articles of faith❤
  • The four angels and their jobs
  • Belief in Allah ❤
  • Belief in His angels
  • Belief in His books❤
  • Belief in His messengers
  • Belief in the Day of Judgement
  • All good and bad is from Allah❤


  • The five pillars of Islam ❤
  • Keeping clean
  • Using the toilet ❤
  • How to do wuḍū❤
  • Names of the five daily Şalah
  • Times of the five daily Şaläh
  • Basic Salah positions
  • Fasting (Sawm)
  • Zakah and sadaqah
  • Hajj
  • Islamic months


  • Story of Nabi Ādam
  • Story of Nabi Nūḥ
  • Story of Nabi Ibrāhīm
  • Story of Nabi Yunus
  • Story of Nabi Mūsā
  • Story of Nabī īsā


  • Story of Nabī Muḥammad

Personal/Language Development.

  • Saying salām❤
  • Alif to ya of little reminders
  • Classroom rules
  • Everyday du’a’s❤

• Arabic alphabet


  • Names of Allah ❤
  • Jannah and Jahannam
  • Six articles of faith❤
  • Jibril teaches us religion❤


  • Five pillars of Islam
  • Basic cleanliness
  • When and how to perform wudu’
  • Actions that break wuḍū
  • How to perform ghusl
  • Prayer times
  • Şalah: two rak’ahs❤
  • Şalah: three rak’ahs ❤
  • Şalah: four rak’ahs❤


  • Before Prophet Ādam
  • Adam’s Creation
  • Ādam on Earth ❤
  • Prophet Nüḥ
  • The boy and the King


  • Abdul Muttalib
  • Year of the elephant
  • The Story of Halimah
  • Journey to Syria
  • Rebuilding the Ka’bah
  • Beginning of revelation❤
  • ‘Umar accepts Islām
  • The boycott
  • Hijrah
  • Life in Madinah

Personal Development

  • Bismillah ❤
  • Adab in the classroom
  • Manners and friends
  • Deeds


  • Names of Allah ❤
  • Paradise and Hell Angels
  • Books from Allah
  • Prophets of Allah
  • Life after death




  • Cleanliness
  • Manners of using the toilet❤
  • Revision of rak’ahs
  • Daily Şalah: theoretical
  • Daily Salah: practical
  • Breakers of Salāh
  • Halal and ḥarām foods


  • The story of Häbil and Qabil
  • Prophet Hūd and the people of ‘Ad
  • The companions in the cave
  • Prophet Sälih and the people of Thamüd
  • Prophet Shu’ayb and the people of Madyan


  • The open invitation
  • Quraysh abuse the Muslims.
  • Migration to Abyssinia
  • The night journey to Jerusalem and the heavens
  • Battle of Badr
  • Battle of Uḥud

Personal Development

  • Respecting people
  • Manners of eating and drinking
  • Manners of the masjid❤
  • Good manners to parents and others ❤
  • TV, music, games, and internet
  • Why Muslims perform Salāh


  • Names of Allah ❤
  • Angels and their duties
  • Gardens of Paradise and fire of Hell
  • Signs of the Last Day I
  • Day of Judgement
  • Miracles
  • Characteristics and duties of the prophets
  • Sins and shirk❤❤
  • Love for the Prophet❤


  • Najäsah
  • Model wuḍū❤
  • Model ghusl ❤
  • Model tayammum
  • Model Salah ❤
  • Islamic calendar
  • Fasting and Ramadan ❤




  • Prophet Ibrahim ❤
  • Story of Dhul Qarnayn


  • Story of Dhul Qarnayn
  • Battle of the Trench
  • Hudaybiyyah

Personal Development

  • Virtues of actions
  • Importance of Salāh
  • Good character and brotherhood❤


  • Names of Allāh❤
  • Angels, books and messengers
  • From Hell to Paradise
  • Signs of the Last Day II
  • Description of the Last Day
  • Death


  • Types of rulings
  • Wudu’: fard, sunnah and makruh❤
  • Ghusl: fard, sunnah and makrüh❤
  • Times of Salāh
  • Forbidden and disliked prayer times
  • Basics of tayammum
  • Sunnah mua’kkadah and
  • Ghair mua’kkadah
  • Witr❤
  • Fard acts of Şaläh❤
  • Breakers of Salāh
  • Disliked acts Salāh
  • Rules and reward of fasting❤


  • Prophet Ayyub
  • Prophet Yūnus ❤
  • Dawūd and Jälūt
  • Prophet Dawūd


  • Letter to Heraclius
  • Conquest of Makkah

Personal Development

  • Making Şalah part of life Islamic dress code
  • Good character and sins ❤


  • Who is Allah and why did He create us?
  • Tawhid and shirk❤
  • Seeing Alläh in Jannah
  • Character of the Prophet


  • Rulings of wudu’
  • Rulings of ghusl
  • Adhän and Iqamah ❤
  • Salah drill❤
  • Adā and qaḍā
  • Sajdah sahw
  • Şalāh in congregation and sutrah
  • Translation of Salah ❤
  • Personal hygiene and maturity
  • Rulings of fasting ❤
  • Ḥalāl and ḥarām consumption ❤
  • Model janazah Şalāh❤


  • Prophet Sulayman
  • Prophet Ishaq Ya’qub


  • Hunayn and Ta’if and
  • Last days of the Prophet

Personal Development

  • Obedience to Allah and His Messenger
  • Virtues of the Qur’an ❤
  • Şalah: our link with Alläh
  • Concentration in Salāh❤

Unit 1: Essential Knowledge

  • The Basics of Islam
  • The Life of the Prophet: A Timeline

Unit 2: Islamic Beliefs

  • The Hadith of Jibril❤ Qadar: The Story of Mūsā and Khidr
  • Belief in Allah and the Truth of Islām

Unit 3: Fiqh (Rituals and Rulings)

  • Purification and Wudu’
  • The Qiblah
  • Rulings of Şalah:
  • Doubts, Masbūq and Lähiq❤
  • Şalah in in Exceptional Circumstances❤
  • Şalat al-Jumu’ah
  • Fasting and I’tikaf❤
  • The Days of Eid❤
  • Zakah and Sadaqah
  • Entering Adulthood: For Boys
  • Entering Adulthood: For Girls

Unit 4: Islamic History

  • Stories of the Prophets: Yusuf: Part 1 ❤
  • Stories of the Prophets: Yusuf: Part 2
  • Stories of the Prophets: Zakariyya, Yahya & Aal Imran
  • Stories of the Prophets: Isa
  • Lives of the saḥābah: The Ten who were Promised Paradise
  • Muslim Contributions to Modern Civilisation

Unit 5: Contemporary Issues

  • Being Muslim Today

Unit 6: Lifestyle and Community

  • Social Customs and Etiquette
  • Technology and social media

Unit 7: Personal and Spiritual Development

  • Al-Qur’an: The Creator’s Guide for Human Beings
  • Journey of the Soul: Part 1 Journey of the Soul: Part 2
  • Being Like the Prophet: Eating and Drinking

Unit 1: Essential Knowledge

  • The Basics of Islām
  • Being Like the Prophet:
  • Everyday Sunnahs
  • History of the Muslim World: A Timeline

Unit 2: Islamic Beliefs

  • Belief in the Existence of God
  • The Holy Qur’an: From Revelation to Preservation
  • Alam al-Ghayb:
  • The Hidden Realm
  • ‘Adl and Faḍl: Divine Justice and Grace

Unit 3: Fiqh (Rituals and Rulings)

  • Perfecting Şalah through Voluntary Prayers
  • Imāmah: Leading Salāh Hajj – The Great Pilgrimage: ‘Umrah
  • Hajj – The Great Pilgrimage: The Rites of Hajj
  • Money Matters: Rulings and Obligations
  • Death and Burial

Unit 4: Islamic History

  • Stories of the Prophets: Mūsǎ and Härün & Part 1
  • Stories of the Prophets: Mūsā and Härün Part 2
  • Lives of the ṣaḥābah: The Companions of the Prophet
  • Understanding the Qur’an and Sunnah: The Four Schools of Figh
  • Muslim Contributions to Modern Civilization

Unit 5: Contemporary Issues

  • Living Islām Today
  • Islām and Science: An Introduction

Unit 6: Lifestyle and Community

  • Everyday Social Etiquette and Manners
  • The Masjid

Unit 7: Personal and Spiritual Development

  • Tazkiyah: Spiritual Growth and Purification
  • Qualities of a Believer:
  • Dealing with Needs and Hardship
  • Knowledge and action in a Muslim’s Life
  • The Beauty of the Prophet
  • Al-Shama’il al- Muhammadiyyah

Islamic Learning with Maktabah Ar-Rahmah

Safar Islamic Curriculum is a comprehensive curriculum developed and perfected over 20 years. The curriculum is designed specifically to equip young learners with the essential knowledge and tools needed to develop a deep-rooted love and relationship with Islam. 

Based on traditional and authentic Islamic sources, the Safar Islamic Curriculum books have effective educational theories and practices integrated in it. The engaging and innovative curriculum helps its users in becoming embodiments of the Qurʾān and Sunnah and ensures that they are able to fulfil their religious duties in an informed manner. With a special focus on personal development, they also help foster confident Muslims capable of making moral decisions in line with the Qurʾān Sunnah in this modern world.

Why Choose Safar Islamic Curriculum

These books are not only textbooks to be taught in class; rather, they function as life guides for the young generation of Muslims. The curriculum imparts key Muslim values, skills and attitudes, such as God-consciousness, respect, tolerance and mercy for all life. It also gives learners the skills to live and build healthy relationships with others and play an active role as Muslims in their communities and wider society.

The secondary level textbooks have been developed keeping into consideration current political and cultural trends, and contemporary socio-economic issues and contexts. It also actively engages issues related to contemporary society, identity and modernity, making it extremely relevant to the experiences of young Muslims today. These books equip Muslim students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills they need to navigate the moral and ethical maze of a postmodern secular world. It also helps them deal with the emotional and mental issues faced during adolescence, and strengthen their life skills, confidence and Islamic practice.

Level 01

Primary Level – Levels 1-6

Textbook and Workbook


  • ʿAqīdah
  • Fiqh
  • History
  • Sīrah
  • Personal Development

Level 02

Secondary Level – Levels 7 and 8

Textbook and Workbook


  • Essential Knowledge
  • Islamic Beliefs
  • Fiqh
  • Islamic History
  • Contemporary Issues
  • Lifestyle and Community
  • Personal and Spiritual Development

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